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Saturday, June 11, 2016


Rebel Fleet Trooper Custom

This is my 1st Classic Version for Rebel Fleet Trooper Custom. I've already made 2 versions before: Rebel Fleet Trooper - Special Forces V1 and Rebel Fleet Trooper V2, but they were made based on what would be some Operators from a Special Ops Team. This one now is based on the "traditional" version.
The only original Star Wars accessories were the helmet, the vest and the pistol. The entire body was made with modern Gi Joe base.

Este é meu 1º Rebel Fleet Trooper Custom versão clássica. Já tinha feito 2 versões antes: Rebel Fleet Trooper - Special Forces V1 and Rebel Fleet Trooper V2, mas eles foram feitos baseados no que seria alguns Operadores de uma Equipe de Operações Especiais. Este, agora, é baseado na versão "tradicional".
Os únicos acessórios originais Star Wars foram o capacete, o colete e a pistola. O corpo inteiro foi feito com base G.i. Joe moderna.

gi joe custom 1

gi joe custom 2

gi joe custom 3

gi joe custom 4

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