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Saturday, November 11, 2017

SAS - Special Air Service

Gi Joe Custom SAS - Special Air Service

This Gi Joe Custom is based on a British SAS operator.
The SAS - Special Air Service was created in the WW2 and nowadays is considered one of the best special ops unity in the world.

The head, submachine gun, holster with pistol, tactical vest, pouch and the stand with SAS logo were casted in resin by me.

I've already made other Gi Joe Customs a few years ago, based on british military personnel, like this Royal Marine Commando and this SAS Operator with desert camo. Also there's a version for Australian SAS.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Batalhão de Polícia de Choque - BPChoque - PMRN

Gi joe Custom - Boneco da Polícia de Choque - PMRN

This Gi Joe Custom is a comission based on a trooper from Batalhão de Polícia de Choque - BPChoque - PMRN. They're what we could call Shock Troopers from Rio Grande do Norte State's Military Police (Brazil).

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Felino - Tiger Force

Gi Joe Custom Felino - Tiger Force

In 2013 , I made my 1st Felino - Tiger Force Custom. It was before Hasbro have been realeased their Felino version.

You can see these two Gi Joe Customs are very different about the colors. I tried to make this 2017 version more realistic, and used a Dusty 25th body, like the 2013 version, and closer to the original version from the 90's. The FAMAS rifle is a Marauder's piece.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Custom Gi Joe - Boneco da PMERJ

Gi Joe Custom - Boneco da PMERJ - Polícia Militar do RJ

Oi, pessoal. Tem um bom tempo desde minha última postagem, então hoje eu trago a vocês este novo Custom Action Figure, é um Custom Gi Joe, e é uma nova versão para meu Boneco da PMERJ anterior.

Estes tipos de fardamentos são usados geralmente pelos policiais que operam nas UPPs - Unidades de Polícia Pacificadoras. Estas UPPs, para quem não sabe, são como pequenas bases da PM, implementadas pelo governo do RJ, dentro das favelas, para tentar combater o tráfico mais eficazmente (na verdade, em teoria, estas favelas ou comunidades já deveriam estar livres do tráfico no momento da implementação das UPPs, mas infelizmente não é isso que acontece em muitos casos).

Thursday, April 13, 2017

PMC - Private Military Contractor

Gi Joe Custom PMC - Private Military Contractor

This new Gi Joe Custom is a PMC - Private Military Contractor. The base for this PMC Custom was Ripcord (V6).
The cap, sunglasses, shemagh and all the accessories on the webgear were casted in resin by me.

Este novo Custom Gi Joe é um PMC - Private Military Contractor. A base para este Custom PMC foi um Ripcord (V6)
O boné, óculos escuros, shemagh e todos os acessórios no colete foram clonados em resina por mim.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Cobra Viper - Infantry Trooper

Cobra Viper Custom

Hello! This Saturday we have a new Gi Joe Custom...I mean, Cobra Custom. That's a Cobra Viper Custom. This Cobra Viper is a mixing of Sideshow version and 30th mold.

As always, I tried to make this Action Figure Custom as most similar as possible from a "real life" soldier, that's why I used Cobra Trooper / Officer legs. To get this result, I made some modifications. I used a Cobra Officer / Trooper tactical vest and scraped its front side, then I added some pouches that I took from some BBI Action Figures and casted it in resin.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Agente Penitenciário do Sistema Prisional - MG | Prison Officer - Correctional Service

Gi Joe Custom Agente Penitenciário do Sistema Prisional  - MG | Prison Officer - Correctional Service

Oi, pessoal. Desta vez eu vos trago uma outra encomenda, este Custom Gi Joe é um Agente Penitenciário do Sistema Prisional do Estado de Minas Gerais, baseado no próprio cliente.
O boné, o rádio comunicador, a tonfa, o colete, o coldre/pistola no colete e os bolsos do cinturão foram clonados em resina por mim.
Esta é a primeira vez que faço uma Figura de Ação Custom baseado em um agente penitenciário, e estou muito feliz, pois o cliente está muito feliz com o resultado.

Hi, guys. This time I bring you another comission, this Gi Joe Custom is a Prison Officer from Correctional Service from Minas Gerais (a brazilian state), based on the own customer.
The cap, the communication radio, the baton, the vest, the holster/pistol on the vest and the pouches of the belt were casted in resin by me.
This is the 1st time I make an Action Figure Custom based on a prison officer, and I'm so glad, because the customer is very happy with the result.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Gi Joe Marine Gung-Ho

Gi Joe Custom Gung-Ho

Hi, guys! Tonight I bring you a new Gi Joe Custom: Gung-Ho!
This Gung-Ho Custom is a comission for a friend. He didn't like the colors from the original version, so asked me to repaint it, and here's the result.
The stand was casted by me in resin, and it works for any 1:18 (3.75) Action Figure scale.

Oi, galera! Esta noite eu vos trago um novo Custom Gi Joe : Gung-Ho!
Este Custom Gung-Ho é uma encomenda para um amigo. Ele não gostou das cores da versão original, então me pediu para repintá-lo, e este é o resultado.
A base foi feita em resina por mim, e serve para qualquer Figura de Ação em escala 1:18 (3.75).

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Exército Brasileiro - Forças Especiais | Brazilian Army - Special Forces

Gi Joe Custom Brazilian Army Special Forces

This is my newest "Brazilian Joe", that's a Special Forces Operator from Brazilian Army.
I've already made other Gi Joe Customs from Brazilian Army, you can take a look at them: Brazilian Army ParatrooperBrazilian Army - 2nd LT. Artillery, SPECIAL FORCES - BRAZILIAN ARMY v2, 1st Lt. Francine (Brazilian Army)2nd LT. Artillery (Brazilian Army), Special Forces - Brazilian Army V1.

I love to make Action Figure Customs based on real life soldiers, mainly those based on Brazilian Armed Forces and Police Forces.
I also made a stand with the Brazilian Army Special Forces logo on it. This stand was made with resin and works for any 1:18 (3.75) Action Figure.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Clone Trooper - Star Wars

Star Wars Custom - Clone Trooper

One thing I love in the Star Wars Universe is the Troopers (Imperials, Clones, Rebels..).
I got a Clone Trooper Sgt. in an auction at ebay, but I don't like those colored details in green. At the same time, I loved the battle marks seen on the new troopers (movie). So I decided to paint this Sgt entirely white, like a common Clone Trooper, but with battle damaged marks and filth, giving it a more realistic appearance.
The Sideshow Version was my great inspiration to make this Clone Trooper Custom.
Unhappily, any 1:18 (3.75) Action Figure version has the backpack, as the Sideshow Trooper, so I took it from Ahsoka, released by Hasbro.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Cobra Trooper - Desert Ops

Cobra Trooper Custom - Desert Ops

Hi, guys! Let’s begin 2017 with a simple and easy Action Figure Custom, it’s a Cobra Trooper Custom, one more Cobra to my Desert Ops Team.
See the recipe for this Cobra Desert Trooper:

Body: Cobra Officer V8
Helmet: Cobra Trooper V11
Webgear: Cobra Trooper 25th
Rifle: Cobra Trooper / Officer 25th

Simple! You can make it in less than 1 minute! This is one more nice Action Figure that Hasbro haven’t released. They could've released it in the Cobra Desert Assault Squad pack, as the Cobra Officer.
I've been making some Gi Joe Customs using Action Figures from this pack, such as Barbecue, Cobra Viper, Sgt. Flash and Tripwire.